
We haven't seen mosquitoes for awhile. I researched what natural repellants we can get and bought small jars of eucalyptus and lemon-scented gel. I put eucalyptus in the bathroom and lemon in the bedroom. We also decided to keep the bathro…

The super of the building is fixing the broken pipe in the bathroom now. He speaks a little Japanese. I just heard him mumbling "muzukashiidesuneeee." Should I go help???

Walked around looking for the coin operated laundromat I found on the internet. I just wanted to find the place first, so I was not carrying any laundry. It turned out to be a smart thing because I could not find it. For some reason, the l…

I wrote an entry last night, but i pressed some button by mistake and it just disappeared. Annoying.I got the laundry from both cleaners. I have to pass the "top class" cleaners to get to the cheaper mom and pop cleaners. I was going to st…

Cant sleep. There was another mosquito in the bedroom. I got bitten on my upper arm. I had researched about what to do with these little buggers on the internet, so when i woke up with an itch, i immediately got up and washed the bite with…

Heavy rain all night. Still raining. The temp is only 22 deg., so not unbearable. But feeling sleepy and tired. It's one of those days.Went to the "top class" cleaners to pick up the laundry, but they said it should be ready tomorrow. Anot…

The mosquito bites left red bumps. They are vicious here.I was at a store similar to Aeon or that sort of a big supermarket today, and i was checking what kind of mosquito pesticides they carried. A sales woman talked to me in korean and s…

The Korean employee Y san at P's office helped me with the cleaner's. She is soooo helpful i dont know what i would do without her. She took me to a small shop where they charge by weight of the laundry we bring. Mine was 10000 won (700 ye…

Cant sleep. Got bitten by a mosquito. We r on the 6th floor. Surprised mosquitos came up here. I kept the bathroom window open for ventilation but it doesnt have a screen. Not sure thats where the mosquito came in from though. I always kep…

Thunder. Dark sky. looks like a storm is coming. Went to take p's laundry to the cleaners nearby. Not just shirts but towels and underwears also. 16 items for 2900 yen. Ridiculous to pay that much money for machine washable clothes. I refu…

In Seoul. Hazy. Not so humid, so rather pleasant.Rented optimus vu from LG U+ at the airport. Very nice. It is a bit bigger than the other smartphones. Easier that way to read, write and watch videos.The apartment is pretty nice. Modern in…

Found out what we ate last night: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beondegi INTERESTING! They were soft with some crunchiness. Not so much taste. i guess u enjoy the texture?



ソウルで、P、Pの会社の韓国人、20年以上韓国に住んでいるという欧州の小国出身の男と食事をしたときのこと。酔っ払った欧州人が「日本は韓国に謝っていない」と言い始めた。にやにやと笑っている。 「政治、宗教、セックスの話は社交の場では避けるものって…


今回、ソウルで滞在したのはserviced apartmentである。サイトの英語ページには「World class residence」などと書かれていて、立派そうである。 実際行ってみると、「ワールドクラス」と呼ぶには、「韓国版JAROを呼べ」と言いたくなるところであった。ワー…

来月、また韓国に行く。 え、フィンランドは?!知りませんわよ、Pの都合に合わせてるだけでございますから。 は〜、気が休まらない。 航空券の予約のとき、おもしろいことがあった。 今回は足穴を選び、航空会社のサイトで直に予約しようとしたところ、クレ…

韓国旅行での出来事。 行きの飛行機で、クロワッサンのハムサンドが配られた。飲み物は何がいいかと日本語で聞かれ、「紅茶をください」と頼んだ。すると、乗務員は一瞬だまり、「コーヒー、お茶、味噌スープがございます」と言った。いくら日本人とはいえ、…

韓国は近い。飛行機が飛ぶやいなや、軽食が配られる。飲み物のカートが来て、そしてすぐに片付けが始まる。すると免税品の販売が始まる。そして、機長が「Cabin crew, prepare for landing」とアナウンスをし、販売の途中だけどごめんね、と乗務員から謝罪の…