
いつ気付いたのか忘れたが、下の左前歯1番が、他の歯よりも高くなっている。今月の初めころだったかなあ。以前気付いたときよりも、さらに高くなっているような気がする。指で触ると、しっかり段がついている。なんでだよっ。 8月に歯茎の骨を削って以来、歯…



なんで日本国内を旅するのってこんなに高いんだっ! JR東日本のえきねっとSUCKS BIG TIME! It does not tell me how much it'll cost. JR西日本のおでかけネットは1万倍使い勝手が良い。のぞみを除く、などの設定もできるし、値段もちゃーーーーんと出してく…





Hm. Pursuit of happiness. It's time I start doing that.



Tried Haagen-Dazs' black sesame. It was OK. Just OK. If you've never seen black sasame, this ice cream wouldn't look appetizing at all. First off, it's gray. And it's got this black sesame paste that looks like tar. "Pitch black" is indeed…

And this is even more annoying. Why do people ASSUME what kind of lives other people lead when they have little or NO information. These people must have too much time in their hands. That's why they start meddling. Find better things to d…

Now this is an annoyance. To me, being financially independent after graduating from college was as completely natural and normal as wiping your ass after defecating ("what kind of example is that?!" said P). But it doesn't seem to be the …

AAAAAAGH!!! Just too much to do and think about. Not categorized under "annoyance" though. I'm just busy.

The skin around the mouth shedded this morning. Gaawd. I guess it was dry from the peeling on Tuesday. The antibiotics are slowly working. At least it's working. Considering the humongous dose I used to take in the States ("absolutely unth…

The right molars, especially the lower ones, are still sensitive. Hm. Got a postcard from the regular dentist telling me that six months have passed since the last cleaning. They used to send it every three months, but I rememeber that my …

Wheew. Busy day. Will be even busier from tomorrow. Sigh. Then again, it's good that I have work to do. I guess I'm contributing to the society in a small way.


Another chemical peeling. I completely forgot that I had made an appointment for today. The funny thing was I called them up at noon to make an appointment! The receptioninst sounded confused. "But you have an appointment at 3:30 today." "…

The molar sensitivity continues. It hurts when I just take a mouthful of water to take my medicine. Ugh.

And the landlady gave me rice crackers as a souvenier from a shrine somewhere. Talk about hard food...

I don't know what it is, but the right molars, both upper and lower, hurt like hell when I drink anything hot or cold. This is new. They hurt so much that I feel pain in my jaws. It's the kind of pain you get when you have cavities. Sensit…

Another exciting adjustment. Well, not much progress. In fact, no progress at all. The ortho (副院長)said that she wanted to continue with the leveling of my molars since they are still a bit tilted toward the extraction gaps. She used ha…




ショック。My favorite mug has a crack. 大学時代から使っている。pottery barnで3ドルしなかったと思う。安もんだが、なぜか好きであった。子供の頃持っていた絵本の中に、小さい女の子が朝ごはんを食べているシーンがあった。その絵に出てくるカップの感…

