1:41 p.m.
It's raining pretty hard, but I need to go for a walk because I NEED MORE SEROTONIN in my brain. At least I realize that and try to do something about it. OK, this is a test. I am leaving now, and we'll see if I feel perky after I come back.

つーか、こんなことを書くつもりは全然無かったが、I didn't have anything to write, and the more I thought about what to write, the more depressed I got.
I hope all of you out there are having a better day than I am.

4:21 p.m.
I'm back. Do I feel better? Yes and no. It's more like "I feel less depressed." That's OK, though. It's a big improvement from how I was feeling a few hours ago.

On the way back from the walk, I stopped by at Dr. A's office for my allergy medicine. The waiting room was not that packed, but I had to wait for more than an hour to see him. He was spending a long time on each patient, I guess.
I showed him how I got frostbite on my left pinky again. He said 「春が来ませんねえ」 So I quickly added 「でも、木の芽時で不安定で、精神的にはしっかり春が来てます」 He threw his pen, and laughed his head off. のけぞってたよ。