Had the teeth cleaned. Ms. A, my favorite hygienist in the world, yet again did an excellent job. She cleaned, flossed (through the archwires!), polished my teeth for one hour. No cavities, no tartar buildup. Yay.
When I told her about my gum surgery this summer, she said “えー、大変でしたねえ。あ、ちょっと待っててくださいね” and ran out of the room. Then she came back with a periodontology book, and showed me pictures of gum and teeth to explain how teeth move and how some people’s roots get exposed during orthodontic treatment, etc. She was so helpful I wanted to tip her.
As she cleaned my teeth, she said “ブラケットを取った後は、エナメル質が傷ついてますので、ぜひきれいにさせてくださいね.” OF COURSE I want her to take care of my post-braces teeth! It will be a while though... 今後どこに住むことになっても、彼女にクリーニングしてもらいたいくらいだわ。