I LOVE Hemingway. 学校で読んだときにも嫌いではなかったが、今改めて読んでみると、前よりengrossing. Daiquiri片手に読むべきか。
The Complete Short Stories Of Ernest Hemingway: The Finca Vigia Edition




お酒を飲みながらの読書というと、忘れたい恥ずかしい話がある。I confess. I did read "The Bridges of Madison County" when it first came out in Japan, and actually cried my eyes out.
The Bridges of Madison County

But if I may add, it was 3 o'clock in the morning and I was fairly drunk when I finished reading it. Oh, no. I just remembered something. I actually lent the book to this American guy I knew back then (just a friend), and told him that I would be lucky to find the kind of love that the two protagonists had. Was I ever that young?

後にclint eastwoodとmeryl streepの主演で映画になったが(also directed by eastwood)、見ていない。見る気もない。Even with Meryl in it. She is one of the greatest actresses alive, no doubt about that. But I am a proud woman, and I refuse to spend two hours of my life watching some tearjerking fake love story.
