ディズニークラシックが好きである。絵がきれいだから。お姫様ものには特にうっとりする。1940年代に作ってるわけで、コンピュータも使わずに、よくもあれだけ美しい作品が作れたと思う。ついでにこの時代の"Tom & Jerry"も大好きである。やっぱり絵がきれいだから。DVDも発売当初にセットで買ってしまった。今見ると、人種差別的なシーンもあって、時代を反映しておるな、と思う。DVDには、絵も雑でストーリーもつまらない、80年代に作られたトムジェリもあり、実に邪魔である。


でもまあ、ストーリーをつきつめれば、シンデレラも白雪姫もなんでも文句はいくらでもつけられると言えばそうなのだが。Cinderella, get a life. It's your house. Why do you let your step mom and sisters treat you like a maid? And you seem to be genuinely happy doing all the chores around the house. Singing and talking to the rats and all that. And you finally met the Prince Charming. Good for you. But weren't you disappointed that all he did to look for you was to send his servants to each house while he stayed at the castle just waiting for the good news? Letting others take care of the hard work? And exactly how small are your feet?
And you, Snow White. You are supposed to be a princess, but you sure are willing to do housework for those dwarfs, aren't you? Gee, a domestic princess. And are you so utterly stupid to eat the apple after having fainted by wearing the poisoned comb? You don't learn, do you? The Queen must have hated you not just for being beautiful, but being so hopelessly naive and dimwitted. And as for the prince who took you to his castle, I don't know what to tell ya. Does it not freak you out that he fell in love with you while you were lying in the casket? You know, DEAD? He wanted to kiss the corpse, for Christ's sake. Tells you a lot about the man, if you ask me. But because you are such a ditz, it simply made you happy to see a good-looking dude smiling at you when you woke up, and you had no objection to go marry him. Tell me, just what kind of an ultra vacuum kiss did he give you for the apple stuck on your throat to pop out of your mouth?

まあ、こんな感じで言いたいことはたくさんあるが、童話は読むのであれば、グリムでもペローでも昔から好きなのである。佐野洋子さんの「嘘ばっか」はもっと好きだ。なんというinsight. 嘘ばっか 新釈・世界おとぎ話 (講談社文庫)