Overheard in NYの姉妹サイト、Overheard in the office. I've been self-employed for nearly 10 years now, and while I love the fact that the number of spectacular idiots that I have to deal with has dropped considerably, I admit that I sometimes miss having or overhearing this kind of funny chitchats - yet I prefer missing them altogether to working with imcompetent dumbasses.

I remember this one exchange of conversation I once overheard in my then office. There was this woman who had just gotten married. She was, er, - let's see how tactful I can be in describing her - a self-absorbed, near-megalomaniac, insufferable bitch (well, I tried). She had a face the size of a wok. If she were a stage actor and you sat at the very back of the theater, you would still be able to see the expressions on her face. Without using an opera glass.
Anyways, she decided to post some photos from her wedding on the wall by her cubicle for everyone to enjoy. You know, to share the happiness. Boy, weren't we lucky. There she was, wearing a wedding kimono and that huge wig on her huge head (literally and figuratively). I made no comments because I believe in good manners.
Later that day I overheard two people talking by the coffee maker.
Man: "写真見ました?"
Woman: "(trying not to laugh) ええ"
Man: "踏み絵みたいでしたね"

This made my day that day.