Once in awhile, when I feel like I need a good cry, I rent a tearjerker. This time "Beaches" of all things (it took guts to disclose that). I watched it once before when I was in college. Vicki, a soap-opera loving, naive, gentle-hearted American friend of mine, invited me to her place, and we watched it together. While I valued her friendship and enjoyed our times together, I never liked watching movies with her. She talked during movies. "Beaches" was no exception. Right when Barbara Hershey was getting really sick, and there was this soft music in the background to highten the ever-so-beautiful friendship between her and Bette Middler, Vicki had to make a comment like "I like her hair." She could never take emotional, heart-tugging scenes, and she always had to utter things that would totally ruin the air. Nevertheless, I still cried and thought it was an OK movie (though never a masterpiece).

Well, now I'm older and more cynical, I thought the movie was crap. Cliches after cliches. But Yes, I still cried because I wanted to. Especially when Middler sang the slow version of "Glory of Love" at the concert and waved her hand as if to say good-bye to Hershey. You oughtta admit that she has a great voice.

Anyways. I know I'm just babbling. It's past midnight and I'm hungry. But I already brushed my teeth and flossed, so I don't want to eat anything. But I'm hungry. I could go for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but I don't have peanut butter. They say you are not suppoed to eat it while you have braces because it's sticky. Well, if you slather it like americans do, yes, it will be bad for braces. I shouldn't be talking about food now. Just making me hungrier. Well, I guess I could brush my teeth again...