ここ数日気分悪いので、とりあえず、髪を15センチほど切ってセミロングにした。I didn't realize my hair was that long. 気分的には坊主にしたいかも。But I don't have a perfect head like Cate Blanchett. She looked GREAT even with her head shaved ("Heaven"). One of the most beautiful people in the film industry.

やわらちゃんの結婚式の映像は1秒みて「げっ」と思ったが、柔道している彼女はちゃんと最後まで見た。オリンピックにはほとんど興味がない私だが、金メダル取った試合はたまたま見て、おお、よかったね、と素直に思った。でも金メダル金メダル言うなよな、メディア。お国のために、みたいな悲壮感が出てくるから。I remember the 1992 winter Olympics in Albertville. I was still in the States. Midori Ito losing to Christine Yamaguchi in figure skating. Midori said "すみません" for getting only the silver. There were articles about that in Time, Newsweek and I can't remember what other magazines. 謝らなくっていいっつーに。I hope the atheletes enjoy themselves in Athens.

I'm rambling. I'd better stop.