私は顔を横にして眠るので、下の両奥歯のブラケットがもろに頬の粘膜にあたることになる。慣らせようと思ってワックスをつけないと、夜中「いたっ」と思うことがある。起きるとちょっと血が出ていることもある。左7番は内側に倒れているからかなんか知らないが、左頬はいつまでも赤い。痛みは以前ほどじゃないのでit may be improving. At least I haven't had any canker sores, thank god. Maybe the vitamin B complex is working.

I read somewhere that John Cusack's lower teeth were crooked and he should have them fixed. I like John. I've enjoyed his work like "Being John Malkovich" and "High Fidelity." Even a bit part in "Cradle Will Rock" (what an ensemble cast. Of course the best was Hank Azaria). I never noticed his teeth before. So as I always have to check everything, I searched his photos and there they were. Yes, they look pretty crooked (リンクはしませんけど). Worse than mine. A lot of the time he just smiles with his mouth closed and he looks cute enough. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who cares about having a "beautiful smile" unless the teeth looked like Quasimodo's. Oh well. He's still a great actor.