The pipe in the bathroom is STILL leaking after three repairs. It's only a little bit and it does not leak immediately when water is running through.

So of course when the super comes to check it, there is no leak. I think he is getting frustrated that it just is not working properly. I am frustrated, too. I cannot help it, but feel bad that he has to come so often. Why should I feel bad, you know. I dont know why he keeps fixing it and not the plummer. When the shower knob was broken, the plummer came and fixed it right away.

I get so stressed out dealing with repairs around the house. Contacting the super (via p's korean staff, y san. hate to bother her too), staying in the apt., waiting for him to show up. The language barrier makes it more difficult, too. I was more genki earlier and even found the attempt to communicate with him enjoyable. It has gone on too long, I suppose. I wish, I WISH, I were more easygoing.