I need to buy a notebook computer. I'll probably buy another DELL. I have their desktop now and it's been very reliable unlike all the other ones I have had in the past: F-tsu、G-way, M-bishi and ●aio. And to think I paid almost 300,000 yen for most of them! The DELL desktop is the cheapest computer of all. Sure, computers used to be much more expensive, but god, what investments I have made. Some of them were reeeeally crappy, oh, you know, like the first manufacturer I mentioned above. I had their desktop and notebook. I cannot begin to tell you what trouble I had with them. One problem after another. I won't go into details because it would just raise my blood pressure.
I'll go to the local computer store that displays DELL products sometime next month, and see which one I like. I don't have the energy to do that just yet. And once I buy one, I need the energy to set it up. Installation of the software I use/need is going to take forever. God, just thinking about it wears me out.
I've been low on energy lately for some reason, and it requires a lot of efforts for me to get up and do something. Normally I like shopping, and I should be excited about buying a new computer. But I am not. At least not yet. Let's see if I feel up to it in February.