Spanish today. Getting SO ready to quit. I almost did last month, but I thought I would give it another chance. It will have been 6 months in August, so if I quit next month, I can tell myself that "At least I tried for 6 months." Ugh.

See, I am used to more intense classes when it comes to languages. OK, this Spanish class is only once a week, and it's not a college course, I know. But still, my dear classmates, go over your notes at home, PLEASE!! It's not that I never make mistakes. I do. But at least I review what we learned in class. I mean, the speed that the class is going is not exactly fast, so it should not be difficult to follow. Should it?!

There is this soccer player guy in the class. It seems I go to class every week to watch him think of the right answers and never get them. I was told he was going to some Spanish speaking country to play there. Well, good for him, but if that's the case, should't he be studying harder?! Is your brain made of rubber like a soccer ball? (Is a soccer ball made of rubber? Maybe not. It would bounce like crazy if it were, huh. Oh well, whatever the material the ball is made of, his brain must be made of.) A couple of weeks ago, he said to me after class in the elevator "なんか余裕っすよねえ." Well, buddy, you go home and say the "ser" verb conjugation out loud for at least 50 times.

The teacher's fine. He appears to be multilingual. His command of Japanese is very impressive. When he speaks in Japanese, it's very natural. He doesn't sound like a woman like many English-speaking men I knew did because they had Japanese girlfriends (with severe eye problems or no standards, if you know what I'm talking about). He seems to know so much about languages in general. So I believe he can offer a lot. But it's just how the class is going so slowly I feel frustrated.

I have a headache. Heck, it's been 5 months since I started learning Spanish, and I don't even know how to say that in Spanish. How sad is that? I am going to look it up myself, damn it.